July 2014 – Update

I’m sure you are all wondering what is happening with Project small bore Pt 4 and beyond, but like I always say, you can’t rush these things.

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In the mean time, a bit of an update as to what is happening here at Russell Engineering HQ.



1275 – 40″ and 60″ Pistons are back in stock. Along with all the other sizes that you may need. So if your are after some Contact me


We have also recieved a new shipment of manifold stock, for both SU and Weber. These are heat treated and ready to be machined to your spec. Once again, Give me a call to discuss

Inlet Manifolds
5″ Weber Manifold

SU HIF44/HS6 Manifold


POWER!!! or the lack of it

Last saturday saw some incredible winds throughout Sydney. These winds hit in the afternoon at REHQ. Having just completed a dyno run on Darren Burns’ motor for his Nb mini for the hit out at Morgan Park in Qld next weekend, a cup of tea was in order. However, the wind saw to taking out a tree near the front of the street, which in turn took out the power to the work shop. Havoc reigned at this point as the power runs across the street to the workshop. North Rocks Road is a busy road at the best of times and power lines down across the road is never a good thing. We managed to call the police and prop the lines up enough to keep the traffic flowing. All was well until a blind truck driver took out the lines without so much as stopping.

Long story short, power has only resumed on Wednesday, so if you were awaiting something, please be more patient than you already are.

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Project Small Bore

Its coming along and there are a bunch of new products being tried and tested. The project motor is heading to the dyno when time permits and the words and pictures are all but written on the build up to the dyno. So, please be patient as we work our way through bringing these new ideas to fruition. It’s going to be fun. I like small bore motors!

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Now, it’s cuppa time.

Graham Russell